Aadi Amavasai Significant (18-07-2012 )

Aadi Amavasya is the New Moon day in the Vedic month of Aadi (July-August). And on this darkest night in the month of Aadi (July – August), tarpanams are performed to our ancestors as it is believed that this day is dedicated to them.   One owes a lot to one’s parents and ancestors. Each ancestor is actually present in the person as a genetic characteristic. Our ancestors are vested with mystical powers and authority and their spirit retains a functional role in the world of the living, especially in the life of their living relations. It is believed that the dead have a journey to make, to bestow the positive deeds for their dear ones through the remarkable framework of ancestral worship. The disembodied existence after death gains the power to govern your destiny and marks great miracles in life of existing. ….Click here to read